Tennessee painter Ray Kleinlein and Arizona ceramic sculptor Jennifer Holt explore the world of the commonplace. What we normally overlook becomes paramount as we discover the beauty of the everyday objects around us. Kleinlein’s realistic paintings are lush and rich. He renders towels you can reach for, a shirt you can seemingly wear, a pillow to lay your head, all executed with fluid brushstrokes, crisp color, and cool shadows.
Holt creates molds of objects, picking up the traces of their use and history, and meticulously remakes them in porcelain. Void of color, we see the nuances of the object, the impression that both time and use leave on the form and surface. The object becomes a talisman of our collective memories.
The exhibition opens Saturday, August 27, 2:00-5:00 pm. The artists will be on hand during the reception and will speak about their work.