
Check back, from time to time, to stay “in the know” on all things museum.

The Ceramic Figures of Juliellen Byrne

November 19 - January 26, 2024

The figural work of Juliellen Byrne is narrative, but also enchanting, warming, disturbing, and questioning; in essence, it is the state of being human. “The notion of narrative has always been of interest to me. Clay has the capacity to render a godlike power in details and makes it possible for me to tell stories […]

Dineh Tah’ Navajo Dancers

Thursday, April 13, 6:00 pm

The Dineh Tah’ Navajo Dancers are performing arts ambassadors of the Great Navajo Nation, travelling all the way from Albuquerque, New Mexico, to perform in the museum’s Hopkins Theatre.  The Dineh Tah’ Navajo Dancers are offering an experience of the beauty and rich spiritual traditions of their culture as expressed through dance.  This performance is […]

Jazz Fridays

April 14, 6:00, in the Hopkins Family Theater

Featuring the Mark Brothers Quintet

The Cincinnati based Merk Brothers Quintet will be performing contemporary jazz compositions by Spencer, Charlie, and Alex Merk. These compositions will be featured on the upcoming Merk Brothers Quintet album, which is scheduled for release on Golden Mean Records in July of 2023. The Merk brothers will be joined by pianist Chris Caporale and bassist […]

SmArt Talk

Saturday, April 15, 1:00 pm

2023 Prehistory Lecture Series: Mason Waugh

Mason Waugh, Principle Investigator, Cultural Resources, Lawhon & Associates, Inc. presents, “Mound Park Archaeology.”  Mr. Waugh is a professional archaeologist who worked at Mound Park in 2023 and curated the nearly 4,500 Hopewell Culture objects unearthed at Mound Park in 2020.  Following the lecture in the Hopkins Theatre, there will be a brief tour of […]

Lisa McLymont: Signs of Life Within the Substratum

January 31 - March 18, 2023

Described as “Earth Works on Canvas”, this exhibition of new works by multi-disciplinary artist Lisa McLymont celebrates and explores Ohio landscapes and rich history, and honors the history the earth holds; the works reflect a stratum of cultures, with each culture leaving implements and marks in and on the earth for the next culture to […]

Art Making Days!

First Thursday of Every Month

An evening of art-making fun with family and friends! Free event, all materials provided. Extended Gallery Hours- this is a good time to stop in and visit the exhibits! April 6, May 4, June 1, July 6, August 3, September 7, October 5, November 2, December 7. 

Emulsion: Film Photography in the Pre- and Post- Digital Age

In the Richards Gallery

Through history, film photography has left an enormous impact on art and journalism. As the technology of photography developed, its impact became greater, and even though we are living in a digital age, its relevance continues today. This exhibition explores the technology and history of film photography. The exhibition includes cameras from the late 1800’s […]

Xylem: A Branch of the Permanent Collection

In the Sara Johnson Gallery, through Fall, 2023

This exhibition highlights the work of Ron Isaacs, a master craftsman whose woodwork resembles clothing, leaves, branches, and flowers- however, it all starts with birch plywood. Trompe L’oeil is a term meaning, “a trick of the eye”, and what is in the gallery will certainly give reason for a second look. Also included are the […]

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