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The Space Between: The Work of Clara Crockett and Alan Crockett

When two people co-exist, living and working side by side, there exists between them a space. This space, much like the interval between objects oriented in close proximity, contains a spark, a charge, where a world of possibility awaits. Some call it spatial tension, where an invisible force attracts objects that are so close, yet […]

Preserved: Barbara Vogel

Memories are the hardest to hold onto; edges become fuzzy, details fade. We are left with the essence of the spirit, the feeling of the day or the space. The work of Barbara Vogel encapsulates what that is- what is preserved in our mind’s eye when what we are left with is the memory. Click […]

Best of 2015 Craft Exhibition

July 21 through September 4

On Display in the Kricker Gallery

Fine craft is part of the American aesthetic tradition. This annual juried exhibition, organized by the Ohio Craft Musuem, showcases the best of crafts being produced across the country today. From woodworking, to ceramics, quilting, jewelry and more, every work is impeccably made and reflects today’s influences on age old crafts.

The Melting Pot: Cultural Fusions

July 21 through September 4

On Display in the Richards and Mehser Gallery

Working on classically wheel made and wood fired forms, Nayson McIlhargey draws upon motifs from centuries old ceramics to embellish his vessels. From large urns to small bowls, these ceramic works echo worlds gone by, yet resonate with a contemporary feel. Exhibition reception will be Sunday July 26, 1:00 – 3:00 pm. Artist Naysan McIlhargey will […]

Click!: 100 Years of Film Cameras

May 19 through July 3

On Display in the Richards and Mehser Galleries

In 2014, the Museum received a gift of film cameras that span the years 1897-1997- a century of changing technology, industrial design, and photographic needs. This collection of over one hundred film cameras, lenses, and other ephemera, was collection and donated by Bob and Judy Schmank in memory of his uncle John Walter, who first […]

From River to Lake: A Century of Ohio Watercolor

May 1 through June 27

Watercolor is a medium that artists have employed not only to complete finished paintings, but also to sketch ideas, to work out compositions, to save a moment in time. Watercolor is a flexible medium that can be many things to many artists. The paintings in this exhibition are as varied as the State itself, from […]

On the Shoulders of Ancestors: The Work of Willis Bing Davis

February 7 - April 11 2015

On Display in the Richards and Mehser Galleries

Working in paint, pastel, ceramics, and mixed media, Willis Bing Davis is inspired by, and draws upon his rich African heritage, creating contemporary works that reflect his ancestral past. An alumnus of DePauw University and a former faculty member, Mr. Davis has exhibited work at venues including the Studio Museum of Harlem, American Craft Museum, […]

In Touch with the Spirit

February 7 - April 11, 2015

Selections from the Southern University of New Orleans Collection of African Art

This exhibition showcases the art and artifacts from sub-Saharan Africa: masks, beadwork, wood carvings, ceramics, metal work, personal adornments and more. Be captivated by the movement, craftsmanship, and personal connection each piece holds in this rare exhibition.

Celebrating Portsmouth’s Bicentennial: A Legacy in Photographs

November 7 - January 15

On Display in the Richards and Mehser Galleries

Portsmouth’s rich history is documented in the Ackerman Collection of historic photographs. See the people, places and events that define our history as we celebrate our bicentennial. Curated by Andrew Feight, Ph.D. Associate Professor of American & Digital History, Shawnee State University.

Sky High

November 7 - December 23, 2014

Kricker Gallery

Sky High is an all-encompassing visual expedition to Earth’s vast upper atmosphere known as the sky. The 15 artists in the exhibition explore the assorted elements of the sky using a range of techniques and materials, from painting to drawing, to video, ceramics, sculpture, and more. From the stunning displays of stars and planets, to […]

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